For Etika Italiana to be “green” is a constant commitment that concerns the whole company. We are firmly convinced that an eco-sustainable business is the future, and every day we strive to reduce the emission of harmful substances and use materials that don’t damage the environment. Nowadays, we have achieved a number of goals in terms of eco-sustainability and we are constantly working towards better ones and contribute to a plastic free world.

What we have:


ETICHETTE_ECOLOGICHESolar energy production: thanks to the use of photovoltaics, we independently produce some of the energy we need. It’s one of the best systems of green energy production, because the energy produced does not generate any kind of pollution.


ETICHETTE_ECOLOGICHEReduction of waste / Industrial waste: our R&D department has optimized production processes by reducing the initial output gap by 40%, through a start-up optimisation process. Thanks to this new method, our waste is considerably reduced, respecting the principle that the best waste is the one that is not produced.


ETICHETTE_ECOLOGICHESustainable eco-packaging: we have designed a completely eco-friendly packaging system for our  labels. Our packaging consists of ultra-resistant and self-sealing cardboard, so that it can be totally recycled or used for other purposes.


ETICHETTE_ECOLOGICHEGreat care in disposal: our waste is carefully separated and distributed in special containers, which are picked up by specialized companies. Most of our waste is completely recyclable, as it is then transported to the various recycling sites.


ETICHETTE_ECOLOGICHELocal waste management procedure:  we use recycled materials and carry out separate collection even in offices in order to optimize all the materials used, so that each of us can contribute to the well-being of the environment and the company.


ETICHETTE_ECOLOGICHEEnviromental activities: we are regularly registered in Comieco, the National Consortium for the Recovery and Recycling of Cellulosic Packaging, and in Conai, the National Packaging Consortium.


ETICHETTE_ECOLOGICHEUse of FSC certified paper: il Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®), an institution operating internationally, is responsible for certifying the sustainably managed forests and controlling the process of transformation and use of paper products. This makes the sustainable use of resources possible.



Use of BIOBASED certified plastic: the material used is partially or totally derived from biomass such as maize, sugar cane or cellulose, contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gases.


ETICHETTE_ECOLOGICHEEmissions from non-polluting exhaust systems: we monitor and constantly check that emissions from our exhaust systems are zero, thus helping to prevent the global warming.


ETICHETTE_ECOLOGICHECertified inks with low ecological impact: we rely on suppliers that produce inks with very low ecological impact, who carry out continuous controls to provide us with a material as ecological as possible.


Watch out for differences

Compostable: a material is classified as COMPOSTABLE when it turns into compost, for at least 90%, in just 3 months.

Biodegradable: a material is BIODEGRADABLE when it decomposes thanks to the intervention of fungi and other microorganisms present in nature.

Recyclable: materials are RECYCLABLE when they can be subjected to processes that transform them into a new raw material or product once their life cycle has been completed.