We collect information about your product and its context of use.
Useful information for us are: a product datasheet, graphic pdf file, actual samples, Quantity of products you would like to order, delivery deadlines, the final delivery destination.
If you don’t have these information available, eventually , we will help you quickly to complete e detailed datasheet for each product you need to produce.
To help you a quotation table to submit to us downloadable here.

The products of Etika are an outcome of the interaction and intervention of several product printing and transformations. Here listed are the most important:


  • Materials

    • Plastic film
    • Paper
    • Card board
    • Foils
    • Thermo-sensitive paper
    • Thin materials
    • Woven materials
    • Leather Artificial and Natural
    • Wood
    • Skins
  • Printing Processes

    • Flexo
    • Typography
    • Direct Thermo
    • TTR
    • Digital Inkjet
    • Digital Laser
    • Cold foil
    • Hot foil
  • Finishing Processes

    • Cutting
    • Coupling
    • Laquering
    • Varnishing
    • Foiling
    • Embossing
    • Holography
    • Mockup
    • Adhesive Removal
    • Adhesive Increase


RFID is technologically speaking an old invention. Unfortunately the reason why we perceive it as new is because it never became really visibly widespread with applications in everyday life. The reasons for this lack of commercial exploitation are not in a dispute about their validity, even if some early prototypes did have problem of reliability when put in real world situations. The problem is cost. Even if the cost has lowered through the years it still has a dramatic impact on the budget Industries that discourages them from a switch from traditional systems to the RFID.
The implementation of RFID requires a compelling preliminary analysis that collects all the pros and cons and transforms them into economic values. These values guide the decision about the financial viability of the project


We produce labels with special effects (SFX) that enhance the visibility that no other company is able to produce. If you want to promote a product or service, or would like to have an high impact Etika Italiana has the right answer for you even for small quantities. This technical skills include the creation of award prizes with variable printing and Scratch Off overlaying. Please enquire with us.